We are excited to bring architectural walking tours back to Helsinki neighborhoods – new season starts in July 2022! Architecture walking tours series is written and hosted by Gayle McKeen. She holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Chicago and has taught at universities in the United States and the United Kingdom. 

Modern Helsinki

Matalan rakennuksen ikkunoista loistaa valoa pimeään ja sateiseen katukuvaan. Rakennuksen katolla on valomainos, jossa lukee "Bio Rex". Rakennuksen eteen on pysäköity muutamia autoja.

A new architecture for a new world. This tour considers the aesthetics, materials, and social conditions that shaped the development of modern architecture in Helsinki, from the 1930s to 2018. The tour includes office buildings, department stores, educational and public buildings, such as the Palace Hotel, the Helsinki University Library (Kaisa), Lasipalatsi, Sokos, and Oodi Central Library.


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Matalan rakennuksen ikkunoista loistaa valoa pimeään ja sateiseen katukuvaan. Rakennuksen katolla on valomainos, jossa lukee "Bio Rex". Rakennuksen eteen on pysäköity muutamia autoja.

Historical Helsinki

Mustat autot pysäköitynä aution senaatintorin reunalla. Taustalla näkyy vanha Helsingin yliopistorakennus.

Helsinki is defined by remarkable buildings that reflect its rich history. Learn about Finnish history, people, building materials and techniques that make Helsinki the attractive city it is today.

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Mustat autot pysäköitynä aution senaatintorin reunalla. Taustalla näkyy vanha Helsingin yliopistorakennus.


Kivinen huvilarakennus, jossa on torni puiden katveessa.

Discover how town planning created two of Helsinki’s most beautiful neighborhoods, distinctive for their parks and colorful residential buildings.The tour embarks from the museum towards the cozy Ullanlinna quarters by the seaside and then proceeds to briefly explore the Eira neighborhood.

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Kivinen huvilarakennus, jossa on torni puiden katveessa.


Lapset leikkivät auringonpaisteessa metsäisellä piha-alueella. Kuvan taustalla näkyy vaaleita kerrostalorakennuksia.

Good living for all. From the 1940s, Lauttasaari was developed as a desirable place for Helsinki residents to live. On this tour you will see some of the many contributions of women architects to Lauttasaari’s built environment and learn about the new building techqniques and principles of standardization that informed postwar residential building in Finland. The tour focuses on buildings from the 1940s through the 1960s.

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Lapset leikkivät auringonpaisteessa metsäisellä piha-alueella. Kuvan taustalla näkyy vaaleita kerrostalorakennuksia.