We are in charge of maintaining and accumulating the collections of the Museum of Finnish Architecture (Archive and Library), as well as studying, publishing and distributing information based on the collections.

The objective of the collections work at the Museum of Finnish Architecture is to record and examine the creative process of architecture. The work is steered by our collections policy, which defines the nature of the collections, in addition to the principles of adding and removing material from the collections, as well as the history, accessibility and borrowing policies of the collections. 

Information about our collections policy

Petteri Kummala Vs. tutkimus- ja tietopalvelupäällikkö +358 (0)45 7731 0477
Suvi Juvonen Kirjastonhoitaja +358 45 7731 0482
Antti Aaltonen Amanuenssi, piirustuskokoelma +358 45 7731 0480
Anna Autio Intendentti, kokoelmalahjoitukset, kuvatilaukset +358 45 7731 0478
Joona Rantasalo Amanuenssi, arkiston asiakaspalvelu +358 45 7731 0487
Minna Pulkkinen Informaatikko, kirjaston asiakaspalvelu +358 45 7731 0483